
Event Time Place Organizer Program

Meeting of the Inter-church Committee on HIV/AIDS under UNDP project with Russian Orthodox Church on HIV/AIDS

7 сентября Санкт-Петербург UNDP

Workshop for district administrations on sustainable development of rural areas in the framework of the project ‘Sustainable Integration and Recovery in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania’

6-7 декабря Владикавказ, РСО-Алания UNDP

Special event for local partners "Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities" to commemorate the International Women’s Day

3 марта Москва UNIC

Round table ‘Social Partnership for the Improvement of the Situation with the Disabled in Labour and Employment Areas, in cooperation with UNRC and NGOs Social partnership centre and League of Assistance to Disabled named after Y. Kisilyov

18 февраля Москва UNIC

Events devoted to the annual campaign "16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence" jointly with other UN agencies and UN Gender Theme Group (details to be circulated additionally)

1-10 декабря Москва OHCHR

Press conference to present social ratings of Child friendly cities in Russia

1 июня Москва UNICEF